Dehumanization, they take away your name 
Civilization, it's the dead man game 
And we all like living this modern life 
Television radio disco fights 
Get a steady job you were born to work 
Well i can't be bothered i'm too much of a jerk 
Dehumanization, as you're living on the dole or 
A working class hero because you've got a job 
And we all like working for 
An upper class runt if you're feeling downtrodden 
You can join the front national 
heritage to keep you in line 
Abuse your intelligence mess up your mind 
Dehumanization personality ax conformed 
To the eyeballs with a state politics 
And they tell you you're brilliant to keep you quiet 
"Only the idiots know how to riot" 
Make sure it's not safe to walk the streets 
You wanna stay alive you better join the police 
Dehumanization, we ain't got a name 
But we still got emotions 
Now the city's in flames